Looking for the best activities for preschoolers? This blog post is a brilliant compilation of preschool activities broken into 4 key subject areas: math, science, literacy, and art. Explore more than 50 learning activities for preschoolers perfect for the home or the classroom.

- What are the best activities for preschoolers?
- What activities are good for preschoolers?
- Do preschool activities need worksheets?
- Jump to – the best activities for preschoolers
- Math Activities for Preschoolers
- Science Activities for Preschoolers
- Literacy Activities for Preschoolers
- Art Activities for Preschoolers
- Frequently Asked Questions
What are the best activities for preschoolers?
I love a good preschool activities moment, but I cannot stand having to randomly search Pinterest for the “good ones.” It just takes way too long.
I know you feel me.
There are so many amazing preschool activities for us to use at home and for preschool classrooms, but wouldn’t it be easier if they were all in one place? Friends, it is here.
Welcome to my comprehensive list of activities for preschoolers. I’m so excited to roll this out.
What activities are good for preschoolers?
Any activity that involves play is a great activity for a preschooler.
The world is just opening to them and they are sponges trying to take all the information in. Plus, they do have a few more skills and a lot more background knowledge/ life experience than toddlers, along with all that wonder and imagination.
They are living in such a sweet spot for activities.
But here are a few needs they have:
- Our preschoolers need hands-on learning
- Our preschoolers need concepts to be tangible
- Our preschoolers need a chance to learn by doing
Do preschool activities need worksheets?
In a nut shell: no. But first, I need to get on my soap box for a minute.
(Throat clear)
There’s an influx of preschool activities nowadays that use printables or worksheets and friends, that’s just not what our kids need.
We are raising 3-dimensional kids who deserve more than 2-dimensional “flat” learning that happens on worksheets. Worksheets don’t offer the kind of dynamic, tangible, hands-on, experience-rich learning that preschoolers need.
This is a list of 50+ worksheet free activities for preschoolers because that is the best kind of learning for this age group.
Let’s give them a chance to show off their skills and abilities without using a printable.
Jump to – the best activities for preschoolers
Because I cannot just throw a list of 50-something activities out into the world, I’ve broken this list into four categories: math, science, literacy, and art.
Math Activities for Preschoolers
Introducing Addition
This is a great foundational activity to teach our kids about addition. Plus, anything with playing cards is extra fun for all.
Math with LEGO Duplos
LEGO bricks can be used for more than just building buildings and things, add some numbers to them and you’ve got a math activity ready to go.
Find the Shapes
This is an awesome introduction into basic shapes and their characteristics. As you call out various shapes, have your child color them in a certain color or pattern, whatever you decide.
Count and Bead
Grab those pony beads you all have laying around and get ready for a fun math and fine motor activity for kids! The options are endless with these: pattern making, addition sentences, number representation, the list goes on and on.
Shape Sorting
What child doesn’t love a task, especially one that involves getting to run around the house and look for specific items? You’ll be amazed at what they bring back that match the shapes you have laid out.
Shadow Block Match
This is so cool! Your kids will copy want is outlined on a piece of paper but will build straight up instead of building on the paper. They’ll have to rely on the shadow of the blocks to see if they fit in the outline.
Coin Sorting
Grab your spare change because this is a simple and easy sorting activity helping kids notice differences and similarities between coins. So many skills in one activity.
2D Shape Hunt
You’d be surprised how many shapes are all around you that you may not have even noticed. Take this portable shape finder on your next walk and see how many you can find.
Sticky Note Number Line
Number lines are an important visualization tool for kids and this sticky note version is perfection. Hide numbers around the house and have your child line them up in order.
How Many Legos Long?
Length/height is such a hard concept for kids. While they understand that things are taller or longer than something else, their ability to estimate how much longer is still growing. Break out those trusty Duplo bricks and have your child measure things around the house.
Using a Ten Frame
Hands down a ten-frame is one of the best tools to use when teaching/understanding number sense. It is such a great visual for kids to conceptualize numbers, addition, and regrouping.
Subitizing Dinosaurs
This adorable dinosaur-themed activity is a great way to practice subitizing (that’s the fancy word for knowing an amount with needing to count it).
Sticker Number Match
Trusty ol’ dot stickers to the rescue once again! So easy and simple yet so much learning happening.
Build and Measure
Challenge your child to create the tallest tower they can and measure it with the coolest tape out there, actual measuring tape. This comes in like 2’ sections and is so fun to use with kids.
Science Activities for Preschoolers
Bubble Prints
This combination of art and science is one for the ages. Kids will love exploring these colorful bubbles that create a gorgeous print.
Balloons and Baking Soda
This will be on repeat! Go buy the Costco size bag of baking soda now, you won’t be sorry. Kids love seeing how big their balloon can get and if they can make it bigger by changing a few things, great practice with the scientific method.
Potion Making
Is there anything kids love more than making magical potions? If so, I can’t think of one. This is the favorite activity for kids playing at my house.
Itsy Bitsy Spider Science
Kids love nursery rhymes and kids love sensory bins, especially with water. Put them together and here you have a super engaging activity that will keep you kid coming back for more as they think of different ways to build and manipulate the pipes.
Bubble Dropper Science
Whip out that Costco size bag of baking soda and vinegar and you’ll be all set for this activity. This is a great way to turn “baking soda and vinegar” into a full-on activity.
Lemon and Watercolors
The acid from lemon juice is a must-explore for preschool science. In this activity, kids squirt lemons on watercolor paint to see the reaction.
Oil and Water Experiment
Play with density of liquids in this easy to set up activity that never gets old. Kids will be mesmerized by the separation of oil and water.
Literacy Activities for Preschoolers
Alphabet Sensory Bin
This easy sensory bin with alphabet letters is the perfect way to build exposures and experiences with the ABCs. It’s low key, low stress, and high fun.
Letter Board Name Search
Bust out that letter board: there are so many possible uses for them. Not only are they working on letter recognition, but also letter organization and position.
ABC Sticky Note Match
One of the easiest alphabet activities you can do! This is a great way to move from memorizing the alphabet mentally to being able to identify and place in order physically.
Hidden Names
A fun and unique way to practice identifying a child’s name. They get to “discover” their hidden name and practice identifying each letter.
Building Names
This activity was more than I could’ve hoped for! It’s simple, fun, and super effective for all kids. It’s easy to adjust based on your child’s ability and can be played over and over.
Alphabet Tunnels
Part of a great move and learn series, this activity gives kids the chance to drive cars through little tunnels while practicing letter identification and/or letter sound correspondence.
Sticker Names
Did you know a child’s name is the first word they will learn to “read”? It’s true and it’s such an important word for them to know and recognize – and this is a great example of how to play with that skill.
Giant Alphabet Sticker Connect the Dot
Preschoolers will focus on identifying and matching alphabet letters in this sticker activity. Not only does it work on literacy skills but also fine motor skills and eye hand coordination as well.
ABC Tubes
Grab your toilet tube collection and your dot stickers. This is a great (and portable!) activity for kids.
Chrysanthemum Name Art
This name art is beautiful! If you haven’t read Chrysanthemum before, I do it immediately and then do this activity. You won’t be disappointed.
Alphabet Soup
Dollar store supplies and water come together to make a fun and engaging literacy activity. This is a snap to set-up.
Alphabet Matchup
Identifying capital letters and their small letter counterparts is a big deal… but it’s also similar to kids recognizing several breeds of bears or that Great Danes and Poodles are both dogs. Kids can do this.
Build Your Name
Another activity with LEGO bricks? Yep! I’m telling you the options are endless for these little Duplo bricks. Write the letters of your preschooler’s name on them and then have them work to build their name.
Art Activities for Preschoolers
Wet on Wet Watercolor Planets
The watercolor planets are the coolest, plus teaching kids the art technique of wet-on-wet is a great learning opportunity.
Coffee Filter Flowers
Using water colors and your basic coffee filter your preschooler can create a beautiful bouquet of flowers that will stay fresh forever.
Outdoor Name Art
Need a backyard art activity? This is a great art project when you need a change of paces and need to refocus kid energy. Plus, since it’s outside, the hose is your best friend and it will all clean up in minutes.
Rubber Band Splatter Art
This is messy, be prepared! It’s so fun for kids though. It seems like the messier a project the more my kids love it. Not only is this a cool art project, but also a bit of a science lesson due to talking about why/how the paint splatters the way it does (vibrations).
All About Me Self Portrait
One of the most popular themes in preschool is “All About Me” and this art activity ties in beautifully with it.
Monster Collage
This is a simple to set up and loads of fun activity. This could be a project your preschooler could do in a day or a project they work on throughout the week.
Play Dough Trays
Use play dough and a few simple supplies to create these science themed play dough trays, like green playdough with different parts of a plant so kids can have some hands-on time looking and learning about them.
Body Paint Process Art
I don’t know what it is but the bigger the canvas the more preschoolers love to paint it and this is no exception.
Mini Paintings
Want to switch up art time with your preschooler? Make some small paper canvases and use cotton swabs as brushes. It’s adorable and perfect.
Frequently Asked Questions
Not necessarily, no. Preschool activities are a bonus, a fun way to get kids playing (learning) in their home environment. Plus, these activities are great tools for you to use to get your child playing, engaging, and busy so you can tackle other fun things (like chores and dinner).
Not in this post. Preschoolers, typically, are not developmentally ready for the major process of learning to read. There’s also no short cuts in that process (so please don’t get sold by marketing companies claiming fast methods or quick fixes to teaching a young child to read). Children need a lot of brain and body development before they are ready to learn to read so please, take a step back, let them keep playing with letters, building their foundation, and keep reading to them all day long (but don’t worry about teaching them reading – it isn’t time yet).
Duh! I left sensory bins largely off this list only because I was focusing on math, science, literacy and art activities. For more easy, indoor activities (sensory bins, gross motor, and fine motor ideas), check out this post of fantastic ideas.
Susie Allison, M. Ed
Owner, Creator
Susie Allison is the creator of Busy Toddler and has more than 2.3 million followers on Instagram. A former teacher and early childhood education advocate, Susie’s parenting book “Busy Toddler’s Guide to Actual Parenting” is available on Amazon.
STickman HOOk PLAY says
I absolutely love this list! The activities are not only fun but also educational. Can’t wait to try some of these with my little ones. Thank you for sharing such creative ideas!