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Easy Dot Sticker Matching is exactly what you need
My obsession with dot stickers has been well documented. I won’t apologize for it because I love those little round guys like nobody’s business. On today’s docket: an easy dot sticker matching activity that will have you running for more stickers!
Oh dot stickers – how do I love thee? Let me count the many, many, many ways.
Wish you had easy activities to try each day? Check out my ebook: Playing Preschool – 190 days of at-home learning!
I love activities with dot stickers…
Because dot stickers are so versatile. There are a million ways to use them in activities and I’m determined to find them all.
From alphabet to colors, dot stickers are a fantastic activity supply to keep around the house.
A little inspiration from big brother
A few weeks ago, my oldest (4.5) had the best time playing “Match and Glue“. He was in heaven working on his wet glue skills, and little sister (age 3) was so jealous.
She saw the set up and how inviting it looked but she’s just not able to manage wet glue on her own. I wanted to find a similar activity that would be totally independent for her.
So with the twist of adding dot stickers…
…this dot sticker matching activity was born!
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I love my roll of butcher paper especially for activities like this. I laid down a generous strip to work with – about 4 feet long – a taped it down. I took my dot stickers and found my Do-a-Dots that matched to get the activity started.
A super easy set up for dot sticker matching!
I stamped my Do-a-Dots up and down the paper – I did about 12 times each aka the number of dot stickers per color if she uses two sheets. See? I’m always thinking.
Her job: match the dot sticker to the correct Do-a-Dot circle. See the similarities between this and “Match and Glue“? I love when I can make a simple adjustment to an activity to make it work for BOTH my big kids.
And she’s learning so much here
Believe it or not – this little activity is actually doing big things for my daughter. Here’s what she’s working on:
- Fine motor skills to peel the stickers
- Crossing the mid-line – stretching her body and moving it around the paper
- Visual discrimination to tell the colors apart
- Hand eye coordination to line up the stickers with the dots
It seems like such a simple activity but it’s full of important learning / skills for my three year old.
Dot stickers are the best. They make for some of the most amazing activities, like this easy dot sticker matching idea. It’s a quick and easy set up that’s perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
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