Should you try cloud dough with a taby? YES, 100% yes.
People, I know that tabies are a tough crowd. I know how hard a taby can be to entertain. That’s why I’m working my be-hind off to come up with great taby activities – add taby cloud dough to the list.
Oh and ps: of course I’m not mistyping here. These kids are TABIES! That’s my term for the middle ground between baby and toddler – when they’re caught in between two ages. That’s when they’re a taby.
RELATED: Looking for more taby activities? Check out these 30+ Activities for One-Year-Olds.
But wait, what is cloud dough?
Um, pretty much the most awesome substance and it only takes two ingredients.
Cloud dough is fluffy, it’s buttery smooth, it’s moldable. It’s perfect for taby hands and taby sensory bins because it’s totally taste safe.
I hope I’m really selling you on taby cloud dough!
Did I mention it’s crazy easy to make? Just two ingredients.
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- Flour
- Oil – any oil: vegetable, coconut, olive…
- THAT’S IT!!!
- (oh but here’s the link to the mini-construction trucks we have)
The ratio for cloud dough it 8:1 – as long as you keep it with that ratio, you can’t mess this up (wink).
Mix 8 cups of flour with 1 cup of oil (or for a smaller batch 4 cups of flour and ½ cup of oil). Dump it in a bowl and start mixing with a wooden spoon until all the oil is incorporated.
You might not see the change…
But you can feel it!
Get your hands into that bowl and start mixing and playing with it yourself. It’s good for you to get used to the material before you give it to your taby anyways.
I haven’t had any problems with the oil staining any of our clothing when playing with this but as always, do what is best for your family.
Dump it into your sensory bin!
And now, for the easiest sensory bin set up ever: just dump that bowl of cloud dough into your sensory bin container (I love a 28 qt tub).
Add in some cups, spoons, bowls, plates, construction trucks – basically anything for your taby to play with.
You’ll need to sit with them for the first few minutes to help them see what the cloud dough can do and how to work with it. They need instructions on how to play.
Sit back and watch the magic!
Don’t forget to put a blanket or towel under your sensory bin to clean up any of the messes.
Remember that tabies are just learning how to handle sensory items to give lots of instructions (see my instructions here for sensory bin play with tabies) and expect lots of taste testing.
Taby cloud dough FTW!
You can save this cloud dough in a ziplock bag after you’re done – I’ve kept a bag for up to six months! It’s a great easy activity on days when your taby is anything but…
Amee says
This is a lot if fun! But be warned if it gets on tile floors it becomes very slippery
Lynn says
Can you make cloud dough with almond flour? We have a wheat allergy!
Susie says
Truly, I am not sure! I’m sorry I can’t be of more help. I posted this comment hoping someone with experience will see and let us know.
Cheryl says
I just want to let you know how much I love this website. I have a 16 month old taby, and struggle some days to find things to do with her, especially during the winter when being outside is not an option. I love how accessible these activities, and how most of the materials are available right in the house.
I do have one suggestion. I find the font on your website really difficult to read. ( My job is working on a website, so this is something I spend time thinking about.) I think that perhaps it’s the color of the font, it’s not really a bold black, but kind of grayish, and it doesn’t have much contrast from the white background. I don’t know how hard it would be to change it going forward, but just wanted to share my thoughts.
Thanks for all you do.