Ready for an easy activity? Time to get your pom pom color sort on.
Toddler activities do not have to be complicated. I repeat: they don’t have to be anything special, anything to write home about, or anything Earth shattering. Like this pom pom color sort: it literally took me 45 seconds to set up and my daughter worked on it for a whole lot longer than that. Two cups of hot coffee long.
Wish you had pre-planned activities to do each day with your child? Check out my Playing Preschool program: 190 days of at-home learning.
Toddler activities are supposed to be easy
I just don’t have time for complicated toddler activities.
I need easy to set up.
I need limited supplies.
I need a full of learning.
Sorting is always my go-to when I want to check off all those boxes.
Sorting is literally the best toddler activity.
I’m not trying to play activity favorites, I’m just being real: sorting is amazing for toddlers.
It seems so simple on the surface but these kids are doing some hard learning when they are sorting.
When a child is sorting, they are analyzing data, making decisions, and comparing attributes to determine similarities and differences. Even in something as simple as this pom pom color sort, toddlers are deep in learning.
Set up this pom pom color sort today
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Remember – it’s all about being easy to set up, limited supplies and full of learning. That’s how I roll and that’s what I love.
Introduce the activity to your toddler
My daughter (2.5) loved this activity. She loved all the different spots to sort into and she was committed to getting through the entire box of pom pom balls.
While she worked, I did two things: drank a hot cup of coffee and asked a lot of questions.
“What can you think of that’s red?”
“What in this room is yellow?”
“Can you think of foods we eat that are green?”
These questions elevate this activity and really take it up a notch. Plus, with that giant bowl of pom pom balls to sort, this was a good 10 minutes of focus. Like I said, she was committed to getting through the whole bowl.
Pom pom color sort: an easy activity but full of so much learning. No one said a good activity needs to take hours to prep or cost an arm and leg. The best toddler activities are the easy ones – case and point.
When will you set up a pom pom color sort?
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