This heart stickers activity is absolutely perfect, and blends fine motor skills, sorting, and Valentine’s day. It’s a brilliant use of dot stickers with a holiday twist. Heart stickers is the quick and easy Valentine’s day activity you’ve been looking for.
You know me: I love a good dot sticker moment so obviously I teed it up for Valentine’s Day with this heart stickers activity for my toddler.
It was EXACTLY right for him.
And I got a moment to drink semi-hot coffee without answering yet another “but why” questions. It was basically the morning activity of my dreams.
RELATED: Looking for more Valentine’s Day activities for toddlers? Check out my full list.
Looking for more structure each day?
Check out Playing Preschool: Busy Toddler’s 190-day at-home activities program
How to create a fantastic Valentine’s day activities
A good Valentine’s Day activity is one that is:
- Easy to set up
- Holds little attention spans
- Uses minimal supplies
- Uses supplies you already own
This heart sticker activity checks off every box I’m looking for in an easy toddler activity. It’s a no-brainer to set this up!
RELATED: Dot stickers are one of my favorite toddler supplies, and I have so many toddler activities with dot stickers (check out this list!).
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- Dot stickers
- White Butcher paper
- Do-a-Dot markers
- Wall safe tape (I like painter’s tape)
All of these supplies are ones that I always have on hand. You don’t need a lot of supplies to make a great toddler activity, but you do need a few “right” supplies.
The Set-Up
I rolled out my butcher paper and drew four hearts on the paper. I used Do-a-Dot markers, but any washable ones will work.
To make this is a sorting activity as well, I made my four hearts the same color as my dot stickers: red, yellow, green and blue.
I grabbed a bunch of dot sticker sheets and started by peeling off the middle white section of the dot sticker page to make it 100x easier for my toddler to remove the stickers.
RELATED: Need more easy activities for toddlers? Check out my super popular toddler activities list!
The goal of the heart stickers activity
My toddler’s mission during this activity was two-fold: trace over the hearts with stickers AND sort the stickers by color.
This activity has so much benefit for younger learners:
- Fine motor skills
- Sorting
- Concentration
- Hand-eye coordination
- Visual discrimination
- Working to meet a goal
Plus, it’s just a fun way to have a good time for Valentine’s Day!
Tip – How to help your child finish this activity
This activity sets up in a few minutes and can stay up on your wall for days.
Don’t be discouraged if your toddler only works at it for a few minutes. Toddlers have fast attention spans but they bounce back and forth between toys and activities.
Let this up for your child to bounce back to – it’s important that they have independent play options that they can choose to do for themselves.
Frequently Asked Questions
Of course not. Valentine’s day activities are “bonuses.” They aren’t required or necessary. Of all the holidays, I did appreciate a Valentine’s day activity for my kids because otherwise… they didn’t get much exposure before “the school years.” Activities are great for giving exposure.
There sure are! Lauren from Happily Ever Elephants has the best list of Valentine’s day book!
Don’t tell the heart stickers this (I don’t want to hurt feelings). The best Valentine’s day activity for toddlers is the Valentine sensory bin.
Susie Allison, M. Ed
Owner, Creator
Susie Allison is the creator of Busy Toddler and has more than 2.3 million followers on Instagram. A former teacher and early childhood education advocate, Susie’s parenting book “Busy Toddler’s Guide to Actual Parenting” is available on Amazon.
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