Need an activity for baby? Try this easy baby sensory activity!
Nothing is harder than entertaining a fussy baby, especially a 9 month old baby who isn’t really mobile, is totally getting teeth, and is a stage 47 clinger. What can do I do to entertain him?
I needed something quick, something easy, and something for the high chair. This baby sensory activity was the perfect answer to a teething filled day – I’m adding it to my list of go-to baby activities immediately.
Have you made oobleck before?
Oobleck is amazing and I’m going to sell you on this messy activity today. I know I am.
Oobleck is a “non-Newtonian” solid which is a fancy way of saying it’s not quite a solid and not quite a liquid. In other words, it’s amazing. Even babies know it’s amazing.
How do you make oobleck?
It’s so simple! Everyone loves oobleck – it’s always a crowd pleaser.
It’s a 2:1 cornstarch to water ratio so for this batch, I used 1/2 cup cornstarch to 1/4 cup water. I added a few drops of food coloring because, well, everything is better with a little color. Mix it up and you will know.
Kind of like how you just know when you find your wedding dress. You’ll “know” when you’ve made oobleck.
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- cornstarch
- water
- food coloring
My baby went nuts for this!
This was a hit right out of the gate. I set my 9 month old in his high chair and poured the oobleck out onto the table.
It was a messy riot!
He worked so hard to try to pick it up, but once he did, it would turn to liquid in his hand and run out onto the table.
The genius was – it held his attention for 10 minutes. TEN MINUTES. That’s an eternity in baby land. All it took was a wet wash cloth to clean this up. Not too bad for that mess!
I love a good high chair moment
High chair activities are fantastic for babies this age – not really mobile, but definitely able to “hold their own”. Of course, lots of parental supervision is needed during this and any baby activity.
Baby activities don’t have to be super complicated – there’s so much learning you can do with a baby even in an easy activity like. this.
Good thing oobleck is taste safe!
Oobleck is taste safe – since it’s just corn starch and water, but still keep a close eye on baby during this activity.
This easy baby sensory activity was perfect for my baby (and for me). It gave him something to play with and me a much needed break from all the stage 47 clingy-ness. Baby oobleck is definitely a win!
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